Reb Shlomo Carlebach
11” x 16”
Washington Park, with two GeeseQuill Pen & Ink Wash
8.75” x 11.75”
The Robin
7” x 9”
Old Tree Washington ParkQuill pen and ink, washes
11.75” x 8.75”
Washington Park
9” x 9”
In a Coffee Shop
Man in a Coffee Shop
9” x 12”
Buena Vista Creek
Portrait of a Young Man
10” x 10”
Reb Zalman
Pen & Wash, The Old Stone HouseEldorado, CO
Pen & Wash, Reclining Nude
Pen & Wash, Sketching at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science
Pen & Wash, In the Coffee Shop
Red ChalkIn Class Demonstration
16” x 20”
Red ChalkIn Class Demonstraion
Red ChalkWoman in a Coffee Shop
Red ChalkSketch from Rodin Sculpture
Boulder Flatirons
12” x 9”
Horse Ink, Gouache, Reed, Quill
Kenosha Coast Guard Station
Red Chalk Nude
Pennsylvania Water MillInk, Gouache, Reed, Quill
Standing Nude
Pen and Ink
7” x 11”
15” x 17”
10 1/2” x 7 1/2”
David FallikRed Chalk
9 1/2” x 8 1/2”
NudeReed Pen
Eldorado CreekQuill, Ink and Wash
7 1/2” x 8 1/4”